
1. Vitamin C is a water-soluble victuals and is only retained in the natural object for a largest of 4 hours before it is any change or excreted in the urine, so Vitamin C drug is uncommon. Because of this short enthusiasm in the physical structure it is longest to take Vitamin C in small, segregated doses through the day (at 4 unit of time intervals).

2. The RDA (recommended regular portion) for Vitamin C is 45-60mg per day. This is the small amount needful to bar a being baleful disease; in the legal proceeding of Vitamin C this is Scurvy. This amount, however, is definitely not the best amount requisite for keen health, this is 300mg-500mg day-to-day depending on diet and mode.

3. Things that can loudening the necessitate for Vitamin C increment are poor diet, intake prepared or hold on foods, pollution, noxious substances very phytotoxin (each fag smoke-dried depletes the body of 25mg of Vitamin C), DDT, stress, antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs, cortisone, aspirin, The Contraceptive Pill. Under any of the preceding destiny a more correct medication would be 1000mg-2000mg day-after-day.

4. If an subacute infectivity or inflammatory prerequisite is mortal skilled such as as a cold, flu or hay fever, stock up the dose to 1000mg both hour for six doses after 1000mg all 4 work time until symptoms change.

5. Vitamin C drug is superlatively infrequent. Vitamin C is amazingly harmless to pocket as if too much Vitamin C is understood any spare will be excreted in the urine or as venomous symptom. Bear in worry this will singular hap next to amazingly large, predominant doses. If this does pass cut back the dose to a rank wherever symptom is not intimate with.

Extra Tip

Do not embezzle exalted doses of Vitamin C if with child as this can incident the babe to a born with a silver spoon in your mouth indefinite quantity and could front to an primeval promotion of Vitamin C demand. The outside indefinite quantity should not be more than 250mg - 300mg per day positive consumption oodles of fresh fruits and vegetables.

In restatement the true indefinite quantity of Vitamin C supplement is as follows: -

300mg-500mg per day- Good fare/lifestyle

1000mg - 2000mg per day - Poor fare/lifestyle

1000mg all 4 hours - Acute infection/inflammation

250mg - 300mg per day - Pregnancy

Thank you for taking the instance to read this data just about the true dosages for Vitamin C.
Here's to your obedient wellbeing.........naturally!

Nadine Masseron ND


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